So there I am.... running with my dogs, and what do I see? A pig, sticking his nose out the front door of a neighbors house, in suburban Watsonville. I don't know what's funnier. Seeing a pig, or neither of the dogs seeing the pig and just running by, oblivious to the world with their tongues hanging out.
I get home from my run, and Kelly is still having a tough time. She had Gastric Bypass surgery on Monday. This was Wednesday and had just come home from the hospital earlier in the afternoon. I want her to get up and go for a walk. It is a really important part of the recovery process. So I tell her, I just saw a pig and try to get her to walk down and see it with me. She isn't feeling very well and tells me that there are no pigs in the city and accuses me of making up the story, just to get her out and walking.
The next day, our daughter, Tammy, comes over, and tells my wife "I just saw a pig in your neighbors yard around the corner." Kelly tells her "You and your Dad are in this together." She still wouldn't believe us. The next day is different. I get her up in the morning. "We're looking for a pig. Come on lets go." We walked to the corner and didn't see the pig. We turned around and went home. Later in the day we went again. This time, I talked her into going farther around the block. As we came back I said "watch for the pig." She told me she didn't believe me about the pig. She thinks I'm being a wiseguy.
The next day, once again I use the pig as a reason for Kelly to go for a walk. By this time, Kelly is starting to feel better. She knows she needs to walk and is now a more willing participant. She does let me know that she still thinks that Tammy and I made up the story about the pig. The walk was uneventful. No pig. I'm starting to loose credibility, but that doesn't stop me.
After lunch, it is time to go look for the pig. Just as we get to the area where we should see a pig, Kelly tells me it is time for me to come clean. She wants me to admit that there was no pig. I look her right in the eyes and say "Oh yea, what is that?" She turns to look at where I'm pointing and lo and behold, there is a pig, cute as can be, eating plums that had fallen off a tree!
The pig was pink, with black spots. He looked like a pot bellied pig, but didn't have the dark hair that the traditional Vietnamese Pot Belly Pigs sport. Kelly was excited. She loves animals, and she really hadn't believed me. We looked around and didn't see any humans. Where were the pig owners?
Kelly went to pet the pig, and I went up to the front door. A lady answered the door. I told her that her pig had gotten out. She told me that if she forgets to latch the screen door, he will push through and go look for plums in the yard. I explained that was exactly where he was and asked if she would like me to catch him for her. "I used to raise pigs" I explained. "Nope, I'll just send my husband out.
Her husband came out. He bent down and the pig ran to see him. The pig actually jumped into his arms. This pig must have been at least 85 pounds. I know he was bigger than my dog Rex, not quite as cute, but a lot more solid.
We got to pet the pig some more and learned his name was Bacon. I guess that is a common name for a pig. Anyways.... we also learned that they had a second pig that was 7 years old that was even bigger. I forgot to ask what his name was, but I wouldn't be surprised if his name was sausage.
Kelly now continues to walk, and we still talk about looking for pigs but I have to tell you, I've found more livestock in our area. In my next blog update, I'll tell you why now we actually are looking for rabbits in our neighborhood and how Kelly still won't believe me that I've seen them hopping down our street. :-)
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