Well I'm back. Back from Camp, Back to Work, and Back for Part 2 about my adventure at Xtreme Couture. I attend Training Camp and got to train with some of the best instructors and fighters in the world. In Part 1 I described the first 2 days of my adventure, and now it's time for the next part of my story.........
Saturday - I woke up Saturday morning a little bit sore. My shins were bruising up nicely and my neck had a little bit of a crick in it. I took a couple of Tylenol. One of the things after Weight Loss Surgery is you can no longer take NSAIDS like Motrin, Aspirin, or Aleve. You can still take Tylenol, but it isn't quite the same.
I jumped in the car and headed to the gym. As I was parking the car, I met a young guy named Gary. Gary was a hot shot kick boxer. He asked me what year my car was. I told him it was an 81. It turns out he used to have a 79. We talked about Corvettes being money pits. That's how you can tell a real Corvette owner. If he understands that concept, he really owned a vette and not just a pretender. Anyways..... as we were walking in, he asked me where I trained in Jiu-Jitsu. I laughed and told him that yesterday was my first day. He replied "Wow, that's pretty surprising, you seem pretty limber." That made my day. People are so nice here!!!!
Saturday Camp was broken into two parts, with both parts being taught by Coach Ron Frazier. That's Ron in the above picture with me. Ron is the head Boxing Coach at Xtreme Couture. That means he coaches the top pro fighters in the business. He coaches Randy, Forrest, Mike Pyle and a ton of other guys, and today he was coaching us!
We worked on all kinds of drills and conditioning. We hit the bags, we worked with boxing gloves, we worked with MMA gloves, man, we just plain worked. I was literally soaking wet from sweat, but it was so much fun. Ron is such a nice guy and he so wants each student to be the best they can be. He is truly an inspiring coach. He gave a couple words of wisdom to the class that I will never forget. "Getting punched in the face sucks." I guess it was his delivery, but it was hilarious.
After a tough day, it was time to head back to the Hotel. I parked the car got up to the room and soaked in the tub. I then figured I would lay down and take a little nap. I was out like a light. After awhile, I rolled over and looked at the clock. Crap.... it said it was 10:38. Class began at 10:00. I got changed, grabbed my gear, and ran through the lobby of the hotel. As I go by the pool, I notice that it is awful dark for almost 11:00. I look at my cell phone and finally realize it is still night. I go back to the room, take some more Tylenol and go back to sleep.
Sunday - I wake up feeling sore and kind of stupid for the time thing, but I'm excited for Camp. This is the final day and I've almost made it through. Today we are working on wrestling. The Coaches for today are Forrest and Ron. We worked on some take-downs and a bunch of other drills. At one point we did this cool drill. The drill required a lot of room, so two teams got to go into the Octagon.
At Xtreme Couture, not only do they have a large, matted area for working out, they also have a full size professional boxing ring, and more importantly, they have a full size, regulation Octagon, also known as a cage.
The cage is an 8 sided structure with the walls being made from metal cyclone type fencing. The fence is covered by black vinyl. The cage sits up 4 feet in the air, on a platform. It has a foam pad around the top of the fence and at the post points. Even though the fence is covered with a black vinyl coating, it still hurts. If you put your back to the fence and try and push yourself up, you feel it. I have a new appreciation for the fighters. The things that look so easy on TV are actually painful.
Whoops, back to the drill......... So we get ready to start the next drill. This one will require some room so my partner and I get to move up to the Octagon for this one. The drill starts with one partner holding the bags. The other guy kicks the bag as hard as he can. The guy holding the bag, moves the bag to let the other guy know which kick to throw. After a 5 minute round, the partners switch. The other guy now has to hold the bag. After each guy takes their turn, the next round is a wrestling round. One guy gets in the other guys guard and wrestles or uses Jiu-Jitsu to earn a submission. This part is done at full speed. Very, very cool. After this round we start over so that each guy gets to start in guard for a 5 minute round. The rest of the session is spent sweating like crazy. Wrestling is hard and it takes a lot out of you, but the experience was cool.
Training Camp ends with a photo-op session. After pictures, I head back to the Hotel. I'm soaking wet from sweat and I'm tired. I'm also kind of proud. I'm proud that I survived and that I did so well. Training Camp was the experience of a lifetime!
Tomorrow or the next day, I'll post Part 3.
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