When you are a kid, how often did you hear the phrase "Walk it off?" It seems like every time a kid got hurt, either a teacher, a parent, or a coach would use that phrase. It was intended to make you not focus on the pain. The idea was to get your mind back to a good place, so that you could move on. Not bad advice back then, and maybe not so bad now.
Before my Weight Loss Surgery (WLS), when I was over 400 pounds, walking sucked. I couldn't do it. One of the most basic things in life. I just couldn't do it. I was forced to walk with a cane. I was carrying so much weight, just walking a couple of blocks would make my back hurt, my knees hurt, and my feet hurt. I couldn't even stand up straight. I was going in for steroid injections into my back 3-4 times per year. Take it from me, this is not a good way to live.
After WLS one of the things they recommend is that you start walking right away. In preparation, I adopted my first training partner, Rex, the American Bulldog, to aid in my walking quest. He would keep me company while we walked circles around the big meadow at the Dog Park. Our first couple of adventures were kind of sad. I could barely make it once around the half mile loop. Rex wanted to run and play. He would run ahead, then run back to make sure I was still breathing, then run ahead again. Slowly I got stronger and skinnier. Soon walking 2 or 3 miles with the dog was no big deal. Eventually we got to where I will even take him out for a run, however it all started with a small walk.
Most loyal readers to this blog know that I work for the Human Services Department of the County of Santa Cruz. I'm classified as a Systems Analyst, which means I spend most of my days sitting in front of my computer. Luckily, I work with a bunch of people who like to exercise. I know, not what you would expect since most of them are computer folks as well. They had a group that would go for a walk at morning break time, and then for a second walk at the afternoon break time. I decided to join this group.
The morning walk is a 1.64 mile round trip. It starts at our building, winds through the County Complex on Emeline and up the hill. It is a steep hill. For the longest time, I couldn't make the trip. I could only go part way up before I had to turn around and crawl back to work. I got to where I can now do it easily, but the grade is so steep that it still gets the old heart a pumping.
The afternoon walk is a 1.8 mile round trip through the surrounding neighborhood. It is a little longer than the morning walk, but since it is completely flat, not near as challenging. We used to do a shorter afternoon walk until one day the Big Boss went with us. She showed us a different route and ever since, we go for the longer one. I mean if the Boss takes us, it must be ok. :-)
Recently I've added a lunch time walk. At lunch, one of my buddies and I do the afternoon walk as well. Sometimes we even do a double lap. That means that on a normal day of walking, morning, lunch and afternoon, we log 5.24 miles and if we pull a double, we log 7.04 miles while at work. Not bad before going to the gym.
I've gotten into this walking thing into a big way. Between walking at work, running the dog, using the elliptical machine at the gym and walking with Kelly, I did over 245 miles in the month of October, 191 miles in September, and 231 miles in August. All that walking has to burn off some major calories.
So remember, after a big Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow, get up and "Walk it off!"